Project BBTA a year on

Wow. It feels like so long ago that I wrote my Project BBTA post.
One year on, where have I got to?
Well for one, I’m back in my normal shoes!
I’ve cycled Land’s End to John O’Groats (see LEJOG947) raising over £3k in the process and in the main I’m back on track.
For the foreseeable future I’m on drugs to keep the joints under control, they mean I can’t drink (alas no uncle jack for me) but that’s OK.
I’ve got to do some cool things at work like this:
More importantly, there’s a new star wars coming out and it looks good!
Thanks for all your help and support along the way, pretty much we bought back the awesome(ness).
Next up, moving house and another challenge….
(the -ness is just for you Philly!)
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