why i agree
… with the proposals to convert a medium size office block at lansdowne into a treatment centre.
(i’ll add a link to the echo article here later)
I totally understand why a lot of the businesses locally are worried about the proposal.
There are people in our society that need our help and yes, some of those may turn to crime/drugs, But… and it’s a very big but.. Most of the people who need this unit will be ‘normal’ people who are on the edge of alcoholism, or substance abuse. They’ll be living ‘normal’ lives, maybe have partners or children, who are we to alienate them further away from ‘normal’ society? Having a centre, this central, where they can drop in to get support has to be something rational human beings can understand the need for. Its not a drop in centre, in the sense anyone can just rock up and be seen. It’s for those who have a case worker already, its to assist the police prevent people turning into offenders.
This is a bit of a ramble as i can’t sleep, i’ll rewrite it soon to try n make it coherent.
well said, its a shame we live in a NIMBY society