When slogans become memes
I love how things grab people’s attention and twist and change into new forms so rapidly on the web.
The iconic 3 colour picture of Obama led to a website allowing you to obama-ize your own picture (US spelling intended Sarah)…
The humanist bus adverts in London went from:
(as a response to Christian adverts linked to a website that promised non-Christians an eternity of torment in a lake of fire – see orig article here)
To a T-shirt like this:
And now a Bus Advert slogan generator, which produces ones like this:
Quite controversial, but I’m more amused by how these ideas take on a life of their own, far beyond the original idea.
Incidentally, Christian groups are launching bus ads stating that “there definitely is a god..” which, unless they have some proof, is surely against the ASA code?
I’m amused by it all.
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