comparing the meerkats
Simply genius.
I was going to write a longer analysis of why i think this is a superb campaign, but most of it has been done very eloquently on the SEO Optimise blog.
Compare the meerkat works as a campaign for one key reason, it sets them apart from what has become a very competitive sector where the offering and price (ie free) is essentially the same for everyone.
How else would you compete in this market? Superior offering, better customer usability/feedback or huge market awareness?
A simple clever play on words, with a good social media marketing strategy (facebook fan page, twitter etc) and a simple mock website equals brand recognition though the roof.
The only thing I would of done differently would be to make it possible to link to specific meerkats on the site, if you find one that amuses you, all you can share with friends is the options that you chose to find that meerkat – people like to share the specifics too.
Its a lovely though and in fact one that we are working on as we speak. If I am honest, the level of public appreciation and engagement with Aleksandr and his meerkat comparison site took us a bit by surprise. We had a lot of the Social Media bits in place, but you’re right there is certainly more that we can do!