making the most of time

Posted by on September 25, 2008 in general thoughts | 3 comments

Its been a while since I wrote a proper blog entry on here, I’ve cheated on you all and written on other blogs… but here’s just been random cats and things, sorry.

I’ve been finishing off my great philosophers book (Heidegger at the moment) – as expected – its made me think a lot about the bigger picture.

What are my goals these days?

Lets review what my goals were… really, there’s only one of the original ones left!

Write a book – done, kinda. Must make time to re-write it and publish it.
Release a record – coming up
Visit Australia – done
Have a radio show – erm, done, done… done.. diddly done
Complete a MPrac NLP – done, must review some notes been a while since I “sharpened my saw”
Swim Pier to Pier – Done, twice
Visit Machu Pichu – ah… need to plan this one
Buy a Lotus Elise – I’m swapping this one to a Tesla Roadster
Buy a place abroad – still want to do this one

really need some new ones as its only a car, a flat and a holiday… hardly challenges!


I think I’ll add the redbull flugtag and maybe the pedal car race… I’d like a bigger challenge to replace the swim next year… suggestions?

There are a few other secret ones, one of them will be revealed soon (hopefully).

I find myself with a lot going on, a lot going well… I’m really struggling to shake this sore throat though… the health stuff has taken a bit of a backseat, although i’ve been out on the bike a few times.

One thought that did strike me today, when was the last time I spent more than a day away from the internet? scary


  1. “One thought that did strike me today, when was the last time I spent more than a day away from the internet? scary ” – funny ! I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday !!! Day without internet / technology !

  2. Triathlon- You’ve already got the swimming & cycling down…now just add in a run & you’re set for your next challenge!! (I keep telling myself once I’m finished with school I’ll go back to planning for half-marathons etc)…
    Good luck!
    Oh, & I stay off the internet every weekend- feels great!

  3. I can’t run, my legs are too gangly

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