pick a luke

I need your help… I’ve narrowed my choice of pictures for the book (about me) down to these 4… forget any imperfections (spots / light on glasses / background / color balance / contrast) – I’ll be tweaking the final one for use anyway.
PLEASE comment saying which picture you prefer and, if you want to, why.
5904 is perfect for a book author pic mate, suitably serious yet mysterious- has a confident look that says “I know stuff that you want to know”
5904 – You look confident and like you know what you’re on about. Essential for self-help books I think.
5904 all the way. 5908 looks like you are going to punch someone.
Out of interest – do the image numbers mean there were around 5000 other images before these to choose from !!!
5904 because you look smoother x
The Pob one! x
I’m going to be different, I like 5927 because your smiling – your happy, but not so much that it looks fake (5933)
keep it comin’ – marky p – haha no only about 30 pics, SLR cameras never reset image ID’s to zero. Hmmm shall i post some more of the funny ones?
Not being one to go against general opinions, but I think 5908. There’s something about it I can’t quite put my finger on…
5908. Just because.
Lew and I reckon 5904 although it would be improved by a cravat, smoking jacket and pipe. Definately not 5908, you look like someone off a crime watch reconstruction (no offence xx)
From an older generation viewpoint, I’d suggest 5927
VOTING CLOSES MONDAY 9AM. scores so far (and a clear favourite emerging)
5904 : +5 -0
5927 : +2 -0
5908 : +2 -2
5933 : +0 -1
5904. If you were giving me advice whilst wearing that face. I’d trust you. xx
5904 – always said it was the best 😉
5904 it is – see about me and yourereallynicebut.co.uk for usage. thanks to ravenworks (see link on about me page)