Looking forward

Wooohoo a second day of noticeable progress, I’m careful not to get too excited in case this is just a boost from the steroids, but yay! The swellings gone down again, I can almost see my knee cap and those pointy bits on my ankles are starting to show themselves… “hello mr kneecap, so nice to see you!”
It’s going to take a good while yet, but its encouraging that there is finally some progress.
(props to Mr M on this photo, bit old now but still a beauty)
So now i’m finding it a bit easier to look forward to the big “what next?”… hmmm… well it starts by sorting my flat out and getting the book first draft finally nailed.
then what…
push back into DJing maybe towards the end of next month… perhaps…
maybe a new start in hamster breeding? 🙂 nah…
perhaps a return to the world of work… hmmm…
lets get the health sorted, the book out, sort my flat out and then see
Well if you are breeding hamsters, any chance of having one that can double up as a housekeeper for me and your sis please???