jetlag 0 – Luke 1

Posted by on November 6, 2007 in general thoughts | 0 comments

Woooooooo! Yes I was a bit tired from my flight, didn’t do much yesterday, but no jetlag or weird sleep patterns for me. Went to a bar to watch the melbourne cup – which was cool, some people had made a great amount of effort Ladies dressed right up with hats n stuff like they were actually there – we should do that kinda thing more in the UK!

When Ben finished work, we went into downtown sydney for some food and to meet up with my friends Andy + Emma.

Went to a cool mongolian restaurant where you put what you want into a bowl (meat/veg n stuff) then add a selection/combination of the sauces and pass it to the chef too cook… and the best bit… you can keep going up for more! Yum.

Then we wandered down to a couple of bars for a drink, near the harbour, came home, went to bed 11pm-ish, woke up 7am (as Ben + flatmate are getting up to work) to the laughing-like sound of a cookburra (yay!) – I feel fine! Having some breakfast, checking email then off for an explore around the local shops then onwards into Sydney!!

Weather isnt great tbh, warm and showery… fine by me, going to get all the indoorsy type things done in next couple of days.

Ben has a trip to Hunter valley wine region planned, we’re all going to head up there for wine tasting, woooo! Camping trip planned, probably Melbourne to see Gemma and a few other bits falling into place… cool beans.

Carla – No you can’t have another clue yet!

Ben’s given me an Oz mobile for while I’m here so if you need to ring me, or you’d like the number in case – email me using the contact form on here. (top left)

Hope you’re all well!!

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