geekery, web-geekery and uber-geekery 1+2
geekery –
I realised today that I could have all of my bills sent by email now, cool… except for one problem… I need paper bills to hire a car. Doh!
Everything is electronic these days, I love it!!
New driving liscense… online, click click tick the “yes its ok to use my passport photo”… couple of days later bang it arrives… airline tickets = pdf… coach tickets, email/sms… Visa for Oz… electronic… wow… its like a dream of the future I had once… except I could fly in that dream…
web-geekery –
Whilst rebuilding theSHANElife I needed to make changes to the core wordpress code and… I’ve published my first how to: on the wordpress support forums! (If you’re really interested I added conditional code to the get_links function that appends the RSS link and image to the before string so that any links with an RSS feed are taken from the database and gain the standard RSS button in front, which links to their feed URI.)
I also programmed a “current moods” function using the custom fields/meta_info functions to output a current mood smilie… I’m amazed no-one had done this before, I did muchos googling on both these and found only unanswered quesitons…
but wait I hear you ask… thats NOT the uber-geekery???
uber-geekery 1 –
UBUNTU on my new toy??
Well… not yet… but I emailed Samsung to ask if installing Ubuntu on my new Samsung Q35 would void my warranty, and to my immense supply they said no! get in!
“Thank you for contacting Samsung Electronics.
Reference: 2102200343
Thank you for your recent enquiry, installing any software (including a
different operating system such as ubuntu) will not void your warranty,
only damage or changes to the hardware will cause this.————————————————————
I hope this has been of some assistance to you. If you do have any
further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.Kind Regards
JackSamsung Electronics UK
Customer Communication Center”
so as soon as I’m back from Oz/Thailand, Linux a go go! Wooop!
…hold on… theres MORE uber-geekery???
uber-geekery 2 –
I actually really enjoyed these geekery challenges and I’ve realised that if secret plan A isn’t at success target 1 (this will make sense soon, I promise) by the time I return from Oz… I’m sending myself on a course in something incredibly techy with the aim to be in a tech job by january… no really…
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