a day in the life of Luke
…often random, frequently tiring, sometimes alcoholic, occasionally stresfull… thankfully, almost never dull.
Saturday, started late… I had to record a demo the night before at the fire studios so I’d been up late (4am ish) , got a decent kip n rose about midday.
Muttered around the house for a bit, had some food and went to collect the chocolate fountain van
(Photo above is for demonstration purposes only – actual fountain may vary to the one shown… and yes, keen spotters will note this is the artist known as shorty aka Bazza and not the actual event in question)
An unexciting journey up to leatherhead (M25 SW corner) to work at “The Theatre” for a suprise engagement party, 2 fountains to set up in 45mins due to secrecy of the event… long story short, bloody battle – bits broke, bits didn’t work properly (guests/clients happy though) – FRENZIED consumption meant I spent every second maintaining them both.
At this point I must add random event #1 = having to listen to an evangelical australian preaching about “God’s purpose for us all”… hmmm… found it hard not to listen to the way he presented the information using a lot of psychology to re-inforce his points, anyway, maybe more on that another day…
Journey home took less time, ahem, hopefully no tickets… although I get paranoid at night when other headlights do that “was that a flash or wasn’t it?” mind game as they flicker past – but I’m pretty sure there are no cameras on the M3… cross fingers anyway.
Off to a drinking session for Emily’s birthday (happy birthday petal!), too much Sambuca + Tequila Rose = Drunkard Luke… via Censo and Dusk till Dawn ending up on the beach at 6am with a really wicked pair of sisters in tow, a blanket, some random munchies, a cowboy hat and most importantly a big bottle of vodka!
(note: this picture is a dramatization of the actual scene – keen spotters will note this is a sunset and not a sunrise shot of the beach)
Spend time chilling/drinking/paddling… till um.. 2pm ish? go home, pass out for a bit.
almost forgot to add – Random event #2 – the Pier to pier swim… a shoal of red-hatted lesser spotted humans swimming 1.4 miles from Bournemouth to Boscombe… bizzare sight a few hundred arms sticking out the sea n splashing around… made me thinkI’d like to do it next year… I can swim a mile now… so if I got that up to 2miles in a pool.. with some sea water practice, do-able? maybe…
Ta da… actually doesn’t seem that unusual a pattern for me, scary…
In summary: A large sprinkling of relaxation, with intermingled showers of stress and a hangover front approaching from the SW. Scattered patches of sunburn to the left side of the upper body… liver moderately abused, wallet un-damaged due to ealier flurry of working.
Outlook: continued variation in the rest of this week, continued working patterns mixed with social and musical fronts approaching towards the tail end of the week could lead to continued randomness.
Oops… I forgot Random Event #3 – Monsters
Cronologically this should be #2 really but hey… so its roughly 1am, I’m walking down Christchurch Road to meet the others and I see 2 guys, obviously fairly inebriated walking home, one of them has some foom of food… the conversation (loudly) goes something like this…
Bloke 1 “mumble chomp”
Bloke 2 “Where we meeting the boys?”
Bloke 1 “mumble this is good”
Bloke 2 “what’s that?”
at this point a larger than average young lady comes into view
Bloke 1 “coming over the hill”
Bloke 2 “is it a monster?!”
much laughter and the sound of the 2 blokes loudly singing alll the way up christchurch road….
“what’s that, coming over the hill? Is it a monster, Is it a MONSTER!”
I shouldn’t of laughed, but I did… maybe you had to be there… ah well… it made me chuckle
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