press release…?
It’s hard being me… your life constantly in the media spotlight… you feel the need to announce your every move with a press release… hahaha
well, I dunno…
…anyways, I thought I’d share with y’all the next phase in my life plan:
I’m returning to the world of work… dum dum duuuuuhhh!
There is a number of reasons for this:
1) I want to buy another flat, doing so on my self emplyed earnings doesn’t make financial sense, think of an interest rate, then add at least 1%…
2) I’m focussing my music on the podcast/show and quality not quantity of gigs, gigs out of the area (and/or country), making tunes and remixes (which doesn’t earn money upfront) – this means I’ll enjoy the gigs I do more and make better progress.
3) I’ve emptied my bank accounts trying to “exercise my right to manage” thanks to having an entirely incompetent managing agent, who won’t go voluntarily… plus I’ll need more funds when we actually manage to buy the freehold for the block.
4) I like to get more experience training and managing people… one day positive link, will be a training company (3/5 years?).
5) I don’t want to be a geek, web coding full time, isn’t for me… setting up podcasts + blogs… nice little sideline though.
6) The goals I have, (positive link > training company // writing a book // releasing a record // moving house) don’t earn me money at this stage in the plan!
so if you want a laugh at my creative CV writing… are a nosey sod… or want to offer me a job… check out my latest (yes another) website!
That’s fierce Luke. Soooooo fierce.