Wayne Rooney

Posted by on May 3, 2006 in general thoughts | 3 comments

Jeebus… I never EVER thought I’d be writing about a footballer on my blog!

Well, here goes…

I’m glad he’s broken his foot… wait… of course, I’m not glad that another human being is suffering pain BUT I’m hoping this means we drop out of the world cup in the early stages, meaning people stop banging on about it sooner!

If there’s one thing that I hate its people going on and on and on about football.

It’s just a game! Played by a bunch of predominantly idiotic overpaid wankers, I say that on the grounds of having met/seen quite a few out n about in clubland… don’t even get me started on the hooligan side of it.

You know what? I’ve worked out what it is, I most hate about football… it seems to bring out the twat in people… shouting, ‘singing’… fighting…

Enough bah humbug from me, I admire you if you have passion about anything… just don’t let it make you into a knob.


  1. It’s not just a sport, it’s also big business. Not only the pubs are full of footy fans, but there are those who want to escape the TV and find a non-sport zone pub like Wetherspoons (or have they relented?)

  2. They were showing football last time I was in a Wetherspoons in Bournemouth…

  3. You can’t deny that the World Cup lifts the nation’s spirits whilst we’re still in it though…

    Let’s all show The Roon some support. Have a look at Roonometer.co.uk :


    Here you can get the latest Rooney news from all over the web, check the Roonometer, send Wayne a good luck message and loads more…

    We want Wayne on The World Cup Plane!!!

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