Travelling tips…

Posted by on October 5, 2005 in general thoughts | 0 comments

Having trundled her way round most parts of the world, walked with lions in africa and eaten ants in ecuador… here are some tips from my sister on travelling:
(thought I’d share them with the world)

Handy Hints for travelling

Handy Hints for travelling

Buy Zip-lock bags, put anything mechanical/electrical in these bags when in hot countries or travelling. Take a few spare as they get ripped on the way round. (this will stop / reduce problems with moisture)

Buy Silica Gel from camera shops (or out of shoe box’s etc). Place these in with your camera etc to remove moisture from the air in the bags.

When travelling places split your money up into different groups (different denominations in each) place these in different places / pockets in your luggage.

before leaving take 2 copies of your passport and any important documentation, keep one copy with you (separate to your originals) and give the other to your parents / someone reliable for in case of an emergency.

Switch your photo card every so often, and download when possible – definitely possible in south America. not sure if you’ll need to take cable.

Get and use a sleeping bag liner – much easier to wash.

Stuff your sleeping bag rather than rolling (it’s better for it) Always keep your sleeping bag stuffed when not in use, if you don’t check it for creepy crawlies before getting in!

don’t worry to much about shampoo etc, it can be purchased everywhere.

Stock up on sun lotion in OZ, it’s the best place for it.

Roll everything possible, instead of folding, it creates more space and less creases.

Purchase a small notepad (A6), write down dates, places and what photo’s you take. (it’s amazing how one mountain can later look like another.

Don’t be afraid to eat where the local’s do, it’s a good sign of traditional good grub!! (maybe not our taste, but it’s authentic).

Buy a few pairs of decent (expensive) thick hiking socks.

An inflatable pillow is also a good idea, but failing that a fluffy jumper can work.

In your first aid kit, also put a mini sewing kit, just a needle and some thread will do.
Also in your first aid kit, put some basic medicines – beechams is always good, some cold and flu capsules, paracetomol, stomach settlers etc.

Purchase some cheap clothes, that you can throw away on your way around, creating more space!!

Buy some clothes as you go round, they’re different and often cheap

Don’t eat anything from Kids or not being sold (especially in south America) I have a story if you want to know why.

use proper cabs if you have to take them.

Don’t take anything you can’t replace or don’t mind loosing. the worse thing you could possibly loose should be your camera and photos.

Take 1 nice outfit you can use many times.

Take a small bottle of dry wash and 1/2 a loo roll (always handy)

String, penknife and torches are also handy, though some people prefer gaffa tape to string!

Put loads of stuff in your rucksack / bag before leaving and make sure you can carry it, if you have purchased a rucksack, make sure you get it fitted properly (if you haven’t done so, take it to a camping store, preferably where you bought it, and they should help)

Well I think that’s about it for now – oh don’t forget to have fun, it’s your holiday!

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