an update on stuff

Posted by on September 22, 2005 in general thoughts | 1 comment

Where the flinkin’ blip did the last month go?

those of you that know me, will know I cram quite a lot into my life anyway… but these last few weeks! Man… I think I need to be hospitalised to recover!

In the last 2 weeks I’ve:

Been backstage at bestival (see below)
Worked at NEC, got to see Jasper Carrot LIVE… long-ish story, bit random.
Done my 2hr radio show, live from a “secret listener party” on FIRE 107.6
Worked about 45 hours in 4 days for the fantastic Poole Animal Windfest
Sat on a train from Bournemouth > Hereford (130miles) then drove > Shrewsbury (another 50ish) and back in 2 days (one Gran’s not very well… although on the mend a bit now)
Built a site for a friend n techno lover! (I will do some more work on it soon stu, promise!)
Done about 5 days web contracting work
Started my preparation for the Luke Vs MP showdown on Nov 2nd… (more on this soon!)
Moved one lodger out and another one in… fitted a net curtain and some new blinds!!!

If I’ve not spoken to anyone recently, I’m really sorry, literally had only had a few minutes to spare in the last few weeks… I should be doing my reactions, chart return and playlist now but I just can’t be arsed. With 6hrs sleep, I still had only 2hrs 20mins at home in total in last 24hrs… barely time to eat, shower n check my email for any mega urgent stuff.

Anyways, there is a plan forming for a few things…

A manifesto to myself

If re-elected I will strive to:

1. Reduce the amount of weird hours I’m working
2. De-clutter, clean and DIY my flat to the level I want it at
3. Increase the bank balance to more healthy levels
4. Make some time to make tunes and write my book (still pondering doing it on here somehow)
5. Spend more time chillin with friends n loved ones


1 Comment

  1. You also forgot to mention the mission to homebase to get said net curtains and blinds!!

    And i know you’re a busy boy which is why i havent been hassling you about the site!! 😀

    By the way good job, and check the search words in the web stats some that i dont know how they link to me!!!

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