Best Festival: Bestival!
Wow… one of the craziest events I’ve ever been too… and we only went for the sunday! (not sure my brain/sanity could of coped with a whole weekend like that)

Plenty of people “worse for wear” and LOADS of people in fancy dress (mainly because saturday night they broke the world record for having the largest fancy dress party)… add in the usual festival randomness and some wacky bands… you get bestival!
Check out the pics in the gallery “Bestival”, I hope they give a feel for how awesome it was. 😀
mad people, random sculptures and decorations, an 8 wheeled people powered sound system, the toboggan run (quite fast, mainly scary because I started sliding off the back on the winch up to the top… plus the fact Penny had the controls!)…
the backstage pub (press passes rock!) and view down to the main site (day and night), the western themed big top tent, people in costumes, Annie Nightingale (the legend!) and her CH4 film crew that rocked up next to us… the loose cannons (best act here and homelands, respect)…
the bollywood tent (and the films projected onto its roof)… main stage at midday and night, Kid Carpet and his cool guitar n stuff!
Acts we saw:
Shla la la’s – Folk/country act on as we walked in on main stage, watched a bit, didn’t do anything for me.
Johnny (Bugged out) – trade description act! the man played cheese!
Eddy Temple Morris – rocked it in the big top (western themed) indie/breaks stuff (infusion/freeland and a song 2 remix I loved but hadn’t heard before… anyone?)
Kitty Davis + Lewis – amusing country n western, not my bag but the reaction when the mouth organ solo started made it worth while… plus all the people in western get up!
Diefenbach – Lame, name rang a bell so went to check them out, sounded off key though.
Bobby Friction + Nihal – caught the end of the set, liked what I heard got my feet swayin’
Annie Nightingale – She’s one of my heros! looks like your aunty, plays dirty breakbeat! (mixing a bit suspect, but hell everyone in the tent loved her)
Loose Cannons – MC + DJ (with cool spikey hair)Best act we saw (and my favourite set at homelands too), their energy sent the crowd mental.
Bugz in the Attic – Really love their sound (you do too if you like “electro disco” CD’s I’ve done), enjoyed their kind of part live set, DJ + Singer plus guys doing other stuff.
Kid Carpet – I really liked him, thought his crazy technology (he uses kids toy guitars n things) and comedy edge was funny, Penny thought he was just crap.
Howard Marks introducing Super Furry Animals – Mans a legend, didn’t rate SFA… thought they sounded dated (about 96 I’d say).
Planned to end the night with Rob da Bank but was too shattered so headed back to the ferry… ah well… all but 2 I’d of like to see (Ali B clashed with Loose Cannons – arse) and a few random extras… good result!
Nice pics, looks like a wicked event! I thought about heading out there, but it clashed with something else I was going to do…and then that something else never materialised. Ahh well 🙂