Krazy Boules!!

Posted by on August 15, 2005 in general thoughts | 4 comments

Yesterday was good.

A delightful sunday afternoon lunch at Pizza Express followed by chillin’ on the beach with a good selection of chums… taking a swim in the sea and playing some Boules.

Then, as you’d expect, the game got changed… Krazy Boules was born!

Basically the game is the same except you add an obstacle, place the jack on the obstacle and then see who can land nearest.

We developed increasingly challenging courses (holes? or maybe targets?? hmmm…) including gullies, moats, ramps… with the final round being a mound with the jack on an upturned coke can in the middle surrounded by a double moat…

Well… it kept us amused for a couple of hours… cost of Boules set: £2.50… average age of players, hmm about 28 😀

I stand by my earlier thoughts, simplicity = happiness.

hold on.. diversity = happiness… ok… um, simplicity + diversity = happiness! “NERDLINGER alert”


  1. hey fella, how’s it going – can’t wait til fri…

    couple more for the concession list por favor tio:

    Wayne Age
    Dave Lawrence

    ps/ boules rocks! krazy boules must shake rattle n hum

  2. crazy snail drowning is also an interesting game!

  3. Ah Krazy Boules !!! What a quality way to spend the afternoon !!!

    Got some cool pics of the courses, will mail them to ya fella.

    Cant make it Friday as I am leaving for New Quay at 6am sat.

  4. Happy Birthday Luke!

    Sorry I can’t make it tonight on your Slinky event due to prior commitments (future mother in law to be precise) but I’m sure you’ll have a great night!

    We must meet up soon, now I’m back in the ‘muff I’ll be a lot more visible on the social circuit.. like the old days..


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