urban mythology
GGGRRRRR!!!!! Warning today’s entry is a rant…
If you get an email about the “latest urgent virus warning” / “female steralizing rape drug” / “Conspiracy theory 101” please treat it with the same level of skeptisim as “world war in 2012 – says John Titor, time traveller”.
They’re all rubbish!!!! (well except maybe the time travel one, see here to make your mind up :D) and I have real issue with people blindly sending them on…
let me explain.
- It wastes bandwidth pointlessly sending these messages round and round the internet – minor gripe.
- If it was “SO” important, don’t you think at least one of the news sites, who check the facts properly, would be covering the story??
- “It does no harm to be aware of the general issue, even if this one is rubbish” – YES IT DOES!!! Would you tell everyone the world was coming to an end if someone told you so in an email??? NO? …so why add worry/confusion/paranoia to an already confusing and stressful world. It’s a sliding scale people… the cut off point is FACT
Please, for my sanity, if nothing else… should you get one of these “urgent warnings” just take 2 secs to check on any search engine, hoax or anti virus site… and then bin it.
Urban Myths: Snopes
Virus Hoaxes: Symantec Hoax info
General (ie Both + more): Vmyths
If you find a real one, I’ll eat my hat. (as long as I can cover it in chocolate, caramel and fudge first)
on a slight tangent, please beware of SMS.ac a “free” sms website, which actually is free to send… it’s just they charge you to receive… I get about 1 invite a week from well meaning associates, don’t use them.
that will be all on the soapbox for now.
One of my personal pet hates too..
Incidentally I heard you on the radio last week. Do you ever run out of things to say or stumble at all?
Also, re: an earlier topic about people getting married, I’m off to Neil Robert’s wedding this weekend to Emma. Scary.