the internet
isn’t the internet fantastic…
maybe you could call me a bit slow but this weekend I realised how darn usefull this pesky worldwide-inter-web-thingy really is, some examples:
1) yesterday I spoke to my old uni friend Carl (in Thailand) over MSN who told me he was getting married, at the same time I checked out flights to see if a visit was affordable, sadly not…
2) I wrote a blog entry about an old friend and after a quick google search got back in touch
3) Logged onto a website and sent an sms to a database of friends/contacts to promote the re-launch of sundays @ the terrace (see here for more info)
4) Went record shopping in the states and downloaded 8 new tunes for my gig today, whilst catching up on the news online
makes me think how easily I could live anywhere with a net connection, which leads to the scarier thought… could I survive without one???
Carl getting married….
They’re all settling down Luke… I’m getting scared!
My God
I never thought Carl would get married but I guess it happens to us all eventually. Resist, resist!