
Posted by on April 9, 2005 in general thoughts | 3 comments

Ever wonder how your life would of been different? Yeah, I bet you do.

April is always a weird month for me, I associate it with massive change and always find myself reflecting on life’s many twists and turns, this year a bit more than usual as it’s 10 years since my father died. Undoubtably the biggest single life changing event I’ve experienced so far.

Tommorrow I’m going to the christening of Daniel, son of 2 of my best friends from uni. Seeing them is always awesome, I count them in that group of friends where it might be a week, a month or a year since you last saw them, but you know if you need them, they’re there and they know the same of me.

Our lives have drifted in very different directions, I lived with Steve (Daniel’s proud dad) at Uni, after uni we worked together for a few years, until I left to be self employed in April 2002. I think Steve is kind of living the life I could easily of had, nice house, cool wife, a cat, young baby, decent job… I decided to take a risk and, yes its been hard, I don’t regret taking that step though I do sometimes wonder how my life would be different.

It’s good to reflect but bad to obsess.

So as I bid you farewell for today, I remind myself of this….

This blog entry is being typed on your spanking studio pc, near your nice sofa and new TV in the flat you own… That CD you’re loving, you made last night… You’re being picked up in an hour by a car full of lovely ladies to go to the first of 3 parties tonight… Life is good 🙂


  1. Steve has bred? Crikey not sure that is a good thing! When you next see the pair of them say hi from me.


  2. scary init? You know Rob is finally marrying emma this year too? and as a result him n carl aren’t speaking anymore! hahaha

  3. Nice words there Lukey!!!!

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