giant eyes, great food and juno

Posted by on February 18, 2008 in gallery | 0 comments

giant eyes, great food and juno

A weekend in Nottingham was just what the doctor ordered… A romantic Valentines day, spent with Anne Savage @ Dogma was wicked :D, albeit slightly frustrating as I’d liked to of had a good stomp – she played an awesome set, even if she didn’t smile.

Friday, went to see Juno – cool film – more of a chick flick than I expected, very good **** (Cloverfield got a Luke ***** btw) then to La Tasca for an evening of Tapas… very yum, only disappointment was a poor quantity on the Chorizo in red wine, still… £10 for a load of tapas was pretty damned good! And the Chocolate Orange Cheescake rates as the BEST DESSERT EVER.

Saturday, took a spin in the Nottingham eye:

nottingham eye5nottingham eye3nottingham eye1nottingham eye4

the eye in the square – random view with shadow – the lovely lucy – town hall thing (?) with Sherwood in distance!

Then an amazing chinese buffet all you can eat for a bargain £6.50! More dishes than I could ever stomach including Tepenyaki and other choose n cook options… best bit? All you can eat dessert counter included! I’d like to say I just ate a good selection of the fruit… there may of been the odd bit of jelly… a cookie or two… a couple of scoops of choc ice cream and some fruit… 🙂

Home on sunday ready for the long awaited Rheumatologist appt at the hospital tomo… hopefully, the beginning of the end of this stupid illness… at least maybe anther Steroid jab to perk my joints up.

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