
Posted by on May 7, 2007 in general thoughts | 6 comments


Went for a stroll to the beach earlier to find that someone had rather rudely dumped a baywatch style lifeguard tower near the pier!

baywatch or bomowatch

After the initial shock had resided, I realised it probably is a good idea, the little porto-cabin style things were a bit lame and cant of offered much of a vantage point.

Didn’t see any Pam Anderson look-a-likes running past though…


  1. How long do you reckon until it’s burnt out, or has a crack head squatting in it?

  2. stuff the hobo, I want to move in!

  3. FAB – now the next naked beach race has a clear start – the pier and a clear end – the lifeguard tower…..

    Luke… isn’t your b’day coming up soon…? ;o


  4. ssshh the first rule of naked race club, is don’t talk about naked race club! 😀 other than that, yeah! great idea!!

  5. hmm
    wonder if it will be filled with scantly clad ladies to save the stupid 🙂

  6. What naked race ?

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