I quit

Posted by on August 31, 2006 in general thoughts | 6 comments

I went in today and I realised that I have much better things to do with my life than working for that company a moment longer.

So, I did my morning briefing to the team, wrote a letter of resignation, picked up my picture frame and calmly walked out… I don’t think most people will even of realised I’ve left yet.

Now what? Not sure yet… stay tuned!

PS Damn that felt good….


  1. Best thing. Every little thing is gonna be alright…do de do do do do do so don’t worry, about a thing….

  2. Hi Luke,

    Sorry to see you go. Just to let you know that us guys on the battle ground are going to miss you.

    Many things I can say, but cannot say…… POLITICS!!!!!!

    I am sure a man of you calibre will get the ideal job….. but all jobs are crap in some way – I think.

    Take care.

    P.S. NO MORE BATTLESHIPS 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

  3. hey luke, im sure u cant 4get me, well just wanna say sorry too see u go and i think its brave of u too put ur opinion across fair play to u! hope everythin works out 4 u. xx

  4. Heya Luke Sorry to see you go mate, I know how you feel. Wont say to much as i am sure this will get back to the boss, but understand where your coming from,, not good to feel like that your left with no alternative but to walk.

  5. Luke, mate, GOOD ON YA!!!
    We did know you had gone BTW… But id check on that tho: your resignation is probably still somewhere in a pile of papers(along with my bonus cheque)…

    Move on and move up as they say! And whats for you wont go past you!!

    Keep it real


  6. Lukey, working for yourself for a few years and then going back into the office hierarchy ain’t easy. Most only do it if/when they have to, and even then it’s a culture shock at the least.

    Specialist agency work can be ok as you’re out of the office politics picture, otherwise be an agent (freelance), work when you want…how you want.

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