new years resolutions?
I’m normally one for making time every now and again to reflect on ones life… decide what needs fixing/changing and setting resolutions or goals.
This year I find myself with nothing. No resolutions at all.
Somehow I got talked into going swimming today, felt far too healthy doing 40 lengths! Maybe I’ll resolve to get fat and slow down this year? Hmmm could be a winner.
Life’s a bit wrong at the moment, I think I need a good slap, any volunteers?
Dont worry mate i havent made any resolutions;
dont smoke so cant give that up
arent over-weight so dont need to go on a diet
maybe the one i could make is cut down on my partyin….. nah!!
I’m pondering celebecy for a year, it’d be my decision then not fate or the fact I’m a freak!
well well, i havent made any either mate, i think i may need to make quite a few for my rubbish habbits,
ah well never mind, on with life!
I’ll slap ya?! I like giving you a good slap!