
Posted by on June 30, 2005 in general thoughts | 6 comments

Sometimes, the randomness of my life amazes even me.

It’s 347am on a non descript drearey wednesdaay and I’m hammered.

Today has been, a very od day.

some of todayssRandom events:

  • An overl;y sickly milkshake with an old friend at lunch
  • A chance encounter with another old frined (and international DJ/Promoter) who’s been trying to get in touch aboutt a “projet” he wants me to work on.
  • A phone call from an agent confimring they wan t me to produce an RnB single aimed at the chart (I hate Rnb and commercial tunes! – which sis why they want me, go figure?)
  • An unlimited free vodka bar tonight with some very important collleagues in the radio industry – messy.

Theres a few more but theyr either not for posting here or beyond my memroy right now

My friends, lifes is what you make it. When it throws you a currve ball you have to step up and hit it back or you’re out. Chooose tyo hit that ball.

tommo id going to hurt.

peace. back tot he tune making


  1. Mate, glad you had a good holiday and things are going good! Re-read your latest when sober, very ammusing drunkeness shown through horrendous spelling!! I laughed a lot!

  2. Oh my Gosh Luke! Obviously a v good night last night judging by the spelling!

  3. Glad to see your typing hasn’t been affected by a) lack of sleep or b) too much alcohol!!

    Look forward to the next messy one!! Film night thursday looks like a goer and this sat will be mad as im doing a 3hr set after live 8!!

    Heaven help bournemouth!!

    See you soon oh messy one.

  4. Hey Luke,
    Thought i’d check out your journal! just stopped laughing at your drunken entry, does your head still hurt?
    Wicked to hear you had a good break, the villa looks gorgeous x

  5. For the record the hangover lasted till friday evening. doh.

    Emma, you’d better be coming down for the next maison young lady!

  6. Hi Luke,

    Just wanted to let you know that I too have an email for free cheese cake!! Although you have to be over 18 and a resident in the USA – of which I am neither. ha ha.. ok well I’m not the latter ;0)

    Catch up soon

    Sarah xxx

    PS Still taking sponsorship at http://www.justgiving.co.uk/sarahbaker

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