new coat o’ paint…

Posted by on May 24, 2005 in general thoughts | 6 comments

yes, I felt it was time for a new virtual lick of paint… seeing as how the flat is about to get a 9 day changing room style blitz, I wouldn’t want this place to feel left out… 😀

What do you think? Prefer the old one? Any german words still lurking? I quite liked “AbsChicken” in place of submit… Working ok on your Mac domino??

Apologies to anyone who logged on earlier… the changeover was a bit bumpy if you were browsing with Internet Explorer (boo hiss) but looked fine on Firefox (go get it!) – all done now


  1. Preferred the old one. This site has issues. Sorry can’t be more helpful at this point.. but look at this as the first steps in user-centric design when it comes to aLUKEonLIFE…

    Edit by Luke: This comment was pre-IE bug fix… still apply Marc? (it’ll be fully doctype n stuff compliant real soon)

  2. Yeh better now.. but I still prefer the “less is more” approach of the old version! 😉

  3. I’m all done with tinkering for now. Any issues, please shout.. and also don’t be shy to tell me what you think.

  4. Yuk!! Switch it back!

  5. Actually yuk is a bit harsh. I’m probably quite low on the change curve right now…. Your site, your call! xxxx

  6. I prefered the old one too, not that this one isn’t totally rockin’ though…

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