the social web in 10 slides – Nov 13th

The next date for my talk “The Social Web in 10 Slides” is November the 13th.

I’ve been really inspired by the reaction to this talk, both in person and the webinar version I presented a couple of weeks ago.

What’s in the talk?

I cover all aspects of the social web from a business perspective.

The Social Web in 10 Slides

Why Social Networking matters
Overview of the main players
Taking the social out of social networking
Usage and Users
Monetizing the Social Web
Case study
Interest is not Intent
Do’s n Don’ts
Corporate and Policy considerations
The future of the Social Graph


Social Bookmarking – delivering traffic through the social web.

It’s an Intergage client seminar (free if you’re an Intergage client) at the Burley Manor Hotel, there are limited places available to paying attendees – to request a place on the seminar, please use this booking form.

If you’d be interested in me presenting this to your company or business group, please contact me for more details.

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The Social Web in 10 Slides

I’ve been invited to give a talk on Thursday to a group of leading local business figures, I thought I’d share with you my slide titles:

The Social Web in 10 Slides

  1. Why Social Networking matters
  2. Overview of the main players
  3. Taking the social out of social networking
  4. Usage and Users 
  5. Monetizing the Social Web 
  6. Case study 
  7. Interest is not Intent 
  8. Do’s n Don’ts
  9. Corporate and Policy considerations 
  10. The future of the Social Graph 


   11. Social Bookmarking – delivering traffic through the social web

I’m also delivering a version of this at an upcoming Intergage client seminar in November.

If you’d be interested in me presenting this to your organisation, (or other related topics) please contact me at Intergage on 0845 456 1022.

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