An open invite to Bournemouth councillors

Posted by on January 19, 2011 in geeky stuff | 0 comments

Another week, another story in our local paper about a Bournemouth Councillor making a bit of an arse of themselves online.

This week is Cllr Douglas Spencer‘s turn, not realising that a rant he wrote about a pub landlord on the internet, might make its way out into the wider world…

Previously we’ve had such highlights from our local representatives as: Cllr Dunlop not realising her comments on schools were public, an on-going “ner ne ner ne ner ner, I’m not listening” from the leader of the council in his echo blog and lest we forget, my personal favourite Cllr Grower aka omegaman in “sock-puppet-gate”.

So, to any currently elected officials of Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch I make this new year offer:

Dear Local Councillors,

As a concerned local resident, I’d like to offer my training services to help councillors better understand how to use the internet to communicate with the local population.

I’m offering to deliver a 2 hour training session, for free, to cover the following areas at a time and place to suit you:

  • Recommended best practice for communicating online
  • Security and privacy online (including Facebook privacy settings)
  • An introduction to monitoring for mentions of your name online and basic reputational risk management

If you’d like to take me up on this offer, please call the office on 01202 798098 and we’ll arrange a time.

Yours Sincerely,

Luke Williams

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