doh… thats another £2 to charity
I failed, twice this weekend in my mission to have a year without using new plastic bags.
#1 went to wilko (woop) and Lidl (I love lidl) with a reusable bag… no problem there, except I needed some cleaning stuff, so I had to resort to using a new carrier bag to separate them from the foodstuffs = bugger £1
#2 walking in town later on, I realised I’d forgotten to buy a couple of things I needed for the flat… I then find myself in a dilemma… do i buy the items and stick another quid in the pot… or set a reminder to get them another day when i have a bag? = another £1 to charity
I was doing so well! it’d been nearly a month since I last used one. Must add up the pot, see how many bags I’ve used in 3 months… ooh a Q1 review! Bum, that reminds me its time for end of year stuff…
UPDATED: Q1 review = £10 that’s not bad
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