just like buses
I was thinking last night, about how much the Bournemouth web/creative/geek scene (for want of a better phrase) is accelerating at the moment.
Within the last year (and please comment to correct/update me) Bournemouth has gained:
There’s also more arts focussed groups like, Bomo Creatives (which have been around a bit longer) and other business networking places.
Do we need all of these?
They fulfill slightly different niches but would Bournemouth as an area benefit from all the organisers coming together for the common good? I think it would.
Your thoughts please.
More different presences in different places is a good thing.
Lots of people having ownership of lots of different events is a good thing as it helps give it critical mass. Meetdraw, for example, shouldn’t “merge” with Dorset Digital, as it’s two different crowds of people organising it (and also, DD is *dorset* focussed, and meetdraw is Bournemouth focussed). If you have one or two people organising all the events in the area, then if they stop, the community freezes up. Whereas if people feel they have ownership of their own little event, you have other things people can go to should another event fail.
A perfect example of this is the fact that I’m going to leave to go to the USA this year, so I’ll probably only get one barbeque in this year before I go. Also, someone is going to have to help run dotdorset (aggregator + mailing list) when I go, too.