runnin on empty

Posted by on June 8, 2008 in general thoughts | 0 comments

runnin on empty

empty fuel gauge

I’m not sure what’s going on… this weekend, I feel like I’m runnin on empty. Perhaps its settling into the new job (getting up at 7 instead of 9..), maybe it’s because I didn’t do bike club or swimming (huh??) or is it that I’ve eaten/drunk too much at all the weddings last week?

Could it be a remnant of the stupid illness… possibly, although I’m much better i do still get it a bit in my feet.

Saturday, having worked from 830am and then played to a stomping Slinky till 500am, I just couldn’t face the Redbull FlugTag in London 🙁 I really wanted to go, but I think I’d actually of ended up in hospital with exhaustion.

Even my emergency redbull + cranberry juice didn’t fix it. Got stuff to do today before the week begins, it’s so lovely out… maybe I’ll go for a spin on the bicycle…

Runnin on empty 2

As a car owner (weird me saying that).. I’m glad petrol prices are rising, not like clappingly happy but I think the petitions n stuff to lower it are missing the point – OIL IS FINITE people, we need to start looking at alternatives, we’re close to “peak supply” and demand is still rising, its all up from here, deal with it.

Personally, i’m going to try and minimise my car use when its required by my job or as much as possible sharing my journeys.

If i’d had the funds, I’d happily of bought a hybrid Prius – I want the Tesla electric car too! In fact thats replaced the Lotus as the car of my dreams: “noice”…

tesla roadster

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