scientology vs anonymous part 3
It continues… with a few casualties already (one anon arrested).. including allegedly Katie Holmes leaving Tom (early reports)… some reports suggest a CoS in Calgary, Canada has closed its doors due to the campaign…
Want to know what scientology is all about? I found this great animated gif. You need to click —more— below to show it at the end of this entry – and so that you can watch the whole thing from the start.
UK residents, or Ex-pats only – if you feel like supporting anonymous in a limited armchair kinda way, here are some petitions they have found that are running:
- Rename the Co$
- Refuse applications for religious status
- Make Scientology illegal (namely, Co$-practiced, like in Germany)
- Sever ties between police and Co$
- Stop Narconon
- Investigate Scientology for Minimum Wage violations